Download tomato hornworm moth
Download tomato hornworm moth

download tomato hornworm moth

The eggs hatch in approximately one week and larvae begin feeding on foliage.The larvae of both species feed for 3-4 weeks, molt five times, and may reach 4 inches in length and 1/2 inch in width when fully ground. The spherical greenish-yellow eggs of both species are deposited singly on the undersides of host plant leaves. There are two species of hornworm that feed on tomatos - tobacco hornworm ( Manduca sexta) and tomato hornworm ( Manduca quinquemaculata). Larvae consume large amounts of foliage on peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and related solanaceous weeds. These large caterpillars typically appear in small numbers and cause their impressive feeding damage to just a few leaves or plants.

download tomato hornworm moth

Late July and early August are usually the time when we see tomato hornworms.

Download tomato hornworm moth